Re: [Bug-mailfromd] srs (sender rewrite)
Marc <Marc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ha escrit:
> set remotemx getmx(${rcpt_host},1)
> loop while ???through remotemx??
Yet another reason not to use getmx. You can't iterate over string
values: you'll have to split the string manually at each iteration.
A covenience m4 macro string_list_iterate [1] is provided for this.
An example of its use is available here [2].
> loop while ???through mynet???
Use string_list_iterate, again.
[1] https://www.gnu.org.ua/software/mailfromd/manual/m4-macros.html#index-string_005flist_005fiterate
[2] https://www.gnu.org.ua/software/mailfromd/manual/Simplified-DNS-functions.html#index-getmx