Re: [Bug-mailfromd] proper use of dkim verify
> > I have this[1] dkim procedure.
> So are you trying to sign an outgoing message or verify an incoming one?
verify incomming
> > If I add these headers in 'prog envfrom', 'prog envrcpt' etc are these
> > than already used in 'prog eom'?
> Wherever you add them, they are not available in eom. Please read this
> for a detailed discussion:
> https://www.gnu.org.ua/software/mailfromd/manual/Message-modification-
> queue.html
Ok but then I don't really get why dkim is failing on everything from sendgrid. Do you know how I can check this? Can this be related to nested lookups for dkim txt records? Or maybe these rsa keys that have truncated results?
[@ ~]# dig +short -t txt cs1._domainkey.jamf.com
"k=rsa; t=s; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA3x97GJ/Ag5+s17n5Z+FjrDo8h7tfkkJtlDQsbK5nXCfhGwfF6Rd9VZR02iAkJYJ6dkJHOLB8nvFfk+3eOWEiBowDT95ya/Z/ORH3tH9QT98v3Yaro/f+t27NxsmLVCwIptpnyekENG3yFkKHiywzkXtfr/Y6glziYO8q4KYyFqmG/o+h7yFKnUjMdbE4EApFiH0wF" "x7GPGCoQhLAmK5ldQyy4Xcm1mM0zm1dn0R7RxGhzfZviP/nNZcJfkYqFo4aQhr9ZGAPWzSCuFewNpMKsTAykvtonlxFiclZBAfy9FPLG6eFaod3FNFXzTRXt0m8fgvPI/USMhMLCQGjK8F88QIDAQAB"