Re: [Bug-mailfromd] dmarc best practice
> > My spammers are perfectly able to configure spf and other dns
> > records. They are even doing this dynamically, just before they start
> > spamming.
> Sorry, you don't seem to have understood the idea. They can tweak with
> *their* DNS records to the best of their liking, but they cannot change
> *mine* or *yours*. So, if your server receives an email that claims to
> be from gnu.org.ua, it will do a lookup for _dmark.gnu.org.ua, and that
> record can be set up or changed only by someone who owns that particular
> domain (unless his creds has been stolen, in which case he is done
> for. anyway).
:) I mean providers like mailchimp / .xyz tlds etc.